Why Join the Pacifica Chamber of Commerce?
Let’s start with the numbers. A study commissioned by the American Chamber of Commerce Executives with support from Small Business Network Inc. quantified the real value of chamber membership to companies in terms of impact and consumer confidence. The study’s objective was to determine this: “Do consumers really support businesses because they are chamber members?” Here’s what they found:
• 59 percent of consumers think that being active in the local chamber is an effective business strategy overall.
• Consumers are 12 percent more likely to think a company’s products stack up better against its competition if the company is highly involved in the local chamber.
• 44 percent of consumers are more likely to think favorably of a small business when they know the company is a member of the chamber of commerce and are 63 percent more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future.
• Why? If a company is highly involved in the local chamber, a consumer infers that the company is trustworthy, involved in the community, and is an industry leader.
The Pacifica Chamber of Commerce has been committed to serving small to large businesses by promoting, networking, and advocating on behalf of businesses. We have a Chamber Board member on the City of Pacifica Economic Development Committee. On the following pages are a listing of current benefits available to our valued members who support our membership-driven organization.